Benefits Of Kiwi – 11 Reasons To Start Eating This Superfood Every Day

Kiwis are considered among superfoods due to their flavor and the benefits it provides. They are sweet and a little bit in taste. Also, nutrients are abundant in these small energy balls. They are also rich in antioxidants. Here you will be able to identify the benefits of eating kiwi every day. Top 11 Health […] The post Benefits Of Kiwi – 11 Reasons To Start Eating This Superfood Every Day appeared first on Simple Health Facts.

Benefits Of Kiwi – 11 Reasons To Start Eating This Superfood Every Day

Kiwis are considered among superfoods due to their flavor and the benefits it provides. They are sweet and a little bit tangy in taste. Also, nutrients are abundant in these small energy balls. They are also rich in antioxidants. Here you will be able to identify the benefits of eating kiwi every day.

Benefits Of Kiwi
Benefits Of Kiwi

Top 11 Health Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit

  • Boost immunity

It is evident from the presence of vitamin C in kiwis that they are natural immune boosters. A single cup of kiwis contains about 272% of the daily recommended vitamin C value.

Vitamin C is a very important nutrient especially when it comes to enhancing immunity. A recent study has found that kiwi boosts the immune system and lessens the chances of cold flu or fever, especially in older people.

The presence of antioxidants also makes this fruit unique and an immune booster.

Antioxidants are useful in eradicating free radicals from the body and lessening oxidative stress. Thus, protecting the body from many chronic diseases and inflammation.

  • Help in losing weight

Losing weight is one of the biggest problems in our era. But as long as we have Kiwi in our refrigerators there is nothing to be worried about weight loss. Kiwis are undoubtedly the best fruits to eat for weight loss. This is because of the high-water content kiwis possess.  (Also Check: 10 Best Weight Loss Morning Habits For Weight Loss)

Also, the content of fiber is high in them. These qualities make them an ideal snack for weight loss.

As we know kiwis are rich in Vitamin C, this attribute helps in losing weight effectively.

Vitamin C helps in reducing blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and supports gut health.  Additionally, it supports the metabolic system by increasing the metabolic rate and thus helping in burning fats.

Kiwi is among fruits with high fiber content; therefore, they promote satiety and keep us full for hours.

Another benefit of high fiber content is that it helps in the smooth movement of stool. The soluble fiber is familiar to gel which traps the bile acid and reduces the blood cholesterol levels.

Kiwis possess the antioxidant ACTINIDIN which is very helpful during dieting. it also assists with irritable bowel movement.

  • Enhance skin health

No matter at which phase of life we are, all we want is healthy, youthful skin. It makes us feel so good and confident about ourselves.

The thing that makes our skin youthful and long-lasting is collagen.  It also helps strengthen bones. Luckily, kiwis are profound in vitamin C which help in the production of collagen for skin and bones. Kiwis support our skin’s framework and also keep it hydrated.

It is also known to treat acne that happens due to inflammation. Acne causes painful, terrible-looking pimples on the face and sometimes on other body parts. Vitamin C in the kiwis offers anti-inflammatory properties to kiwis and that’s how they help us in getting rid of acne.  Kiwi also helps in reducing the production of sebum. You can also apply the kiwi extract with some aloe vera gel topically on your acne.

  • Improves digestion

Digestion is very essential to lead a quality life. Good digestion means the body is healthy.

A decent number of essential dietary fibers are present in Kiwi that is very significant in improving digestion. Kiwis are also rich in enzymes known as actinidin. These enzymes break down protein in the digestive tract.

Eating kiwis after a large meal is always advisable, a sit breakdown protein that is hard to digest. If such protein isn’t digested, it can cause bloating and other digestion related issues.

  • Good source of Vitamins and Minerals

Kiwis are known to have a decent number of Vitamin C in them. But do you know, there are many essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, B6, B12, E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. All of these works together and help the body functioning properly. They help in performing many essential functions like blood circulation through vessels, absorbing iron for healthy strong bones, and fighting against stress.

They have a greater level of calcium like 320mg every 100 grams of kiwis. The higher amount of potassium also helps in maintaining blood pressure while magnesium assists in managing muscles and never function effectively.

(Also Check: Benefits Of Drinking Water – 14 Reasons Why Drinking Water Is So Important )

  • Treat Asthma

The effects of asthma are very devastating. The common symptoms of these respiratory diseases include wheezing and severe breathlessness. Health practitioners across the globe mainly suggest that consuming high amounts of vitamin C can be a cure for asthma.

The presence of vitamin C in kiwis is very effective in controlling this respiratory issue. Research done in 2000 had shown that people who consumed kiwi regularly had a beneficial impact on their lungs.

  • Lessens DNA Damage

Oxidative stress is very baleful for our over health and well-being. But sometimes it can be more lethal than one thinks. Generally, oxidative stress refers to the unevenness of free radicals and antioxidants inside the body.

Along with that it also destroys DNA stand by breaking it. This causes illnesses and diseases that can’t be even predicted or treated.

Thanks to the superstar kiwi, it contains antioxidants that lessen oxidative stress. A study was conducted, in which the cells of some participants were damaged with peroxide and later showed that people who were supplemented with kiwis showed greater improvement than those who didn’t take kiwi supplements.

Kiwi helps the DNA to repair itself after damage. Kiwi helps in the prevention of cancers and many other lethal diseases.

  • Prevent Vision Loss

As we grow older, we become more prone to several eyesight conditions or diseases. The most famous among them is macular degeneration which causes vision loss at the end.

The superfood kiwi is rich in ZEAXANTHIN and LUTEIN also referred to as the eye vitamin. These two compounds act together and perform their function as antioxidants and vitamins A. they also engross excess light which otherwise could damage the eye retina and protect our eyes from notorious cataracts and other eye-related conditions.

Good eyesight is closely related to a healthy nervous system because the nervous system possesses greater amounts of nerves and is the focus of communiqué of our eye. Kiwis possess a decent amount of copper, an essential nutrient that supports the nervous system and makes the functioning of our eyes healthy. So, eat kiwis for a healthy vision and brain.

(Also Check: Avocado Benefits For Your Eyes)

  • Fights Inflammation

Inflammation isn’t always bad for the body but when it gets worse things get messed up.

Thanks to kiwi that help us by fighting inflammation. Kiwis contain an enzyme called BROMELAIN. These enzymes are very useful in breaking down protein and cure inflammation problems.

When we eat kiwi, the bromelain enters our bloodstream and breakdown into inflammatory compounds.

Kiwis also help in reducing the inflammation that occurs due to diseases like arthritis. It also prevents such diseases from leading to cause other chronic illnesses such as heart disease or stroke.

High levels of vitamin C in kiwi help a lot in controlling inflammation by fighting against free radicals that are culpable of inflammation. When eaten regularly, kiwis are known to heal inflammation effectively.

  • Good folate source

Folate is essential during pregnancy. It also had a role in traditional Chinese medicines.

That’s why the Chinese traditional medicinal system never let go of it still today.

Folate helps in the development of the fetus’s brain in pregnant women. It assists the child to lead a healthy life.

  • Diminish insomnia

We all are suffering from insomnia, a condition that can become chronic if not treated earlier.

Many studies have suggested that kiwis are very good when it comes to treating insomnia. This is because of the presence of antioxidants and serotonin which treat insomnia.

Kiwis provide many benefits to our bodies. They help in losing weight, warding off illness, fight against asthma, and many more. You can eat kiwi as a whole or make a kiwi smoothie.

The post Benefits Of Kiwi – 11 Reasons To Start Eating This Superfood Every Day appeared first on Simple Health Facts.